4 East Liberty Street, York, SC

Mobile Home Title Issues

Our office has extensive experience in assisting individuals obtain duplicate mobile home titles, clear liens from mobile home titles, de-title mobile homes, and assist where an individual has never received a mobile home title upon the purchase of their property.

  • Commercial Landlord/Tenant Matters
  • Zoning Issues
  • Property Line Disputes

Our attorneys have vast experience handling disputes between neighbors regarding the location of the common property line.  Many people cannot identify their property line with 100% certainty.  The property may not have a recent or accurate survey, a neighbor may be encroaching or trespassing onto your land, or both landowners may have a claim to a piece of land.  Whether it involves a quiet title action, partition, or even a trespass, our office will assist you in either your assertion or defense of your claim to property.

Bradford Espinoza, P.A.

We are dedicated to serving our clients by providing legal wisdom, good sense, a friendly exchange, and expediency.

Contact Information

Physical Address:
4 East Liberty Street
York, SC 29745
Mailing Address:
Post Office Box 977
York, SC 29745

Office Hours

DISCLAIMER: Any information posted on the Bradford Espinoza, P.A. website (www.csblawfirm.com) is intended only to be representative of the firm's practice. These examples are not intended to, and cannot be relied upon, to predict the results in any other case. Information or interaction on this site should not be construed as establishing a client-attorney relationship or as legal advice. For advice about your specific situation, please consult one of our attorneys.
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