Guardianship matters are also regularly handled by our firm. In many cases, we file guardianship petitions simultaneously with conservatorship petitions for the same incapacitated adult. Unlike a conservator, a guardian is legally authorized to manage an incapacitated adult’s daily personal and medical affairs, such as scheduling doctors’ appointments, facilitating placement in an assisted living facility or nursing home, consenting to medical care and treatment, and more. A guardianship proceeding is necessary when an incapacitated person does not have a Healthcare Power of Attorney and requires assistance with his or her daily personal and medical needs. Like with conservatorship proceedings, the person petitioning the Probate Court for appointment as guardian is usually a spouse or adult child of the incapacitated person, but this is not always the case. At Bradford Espinoza, P.A., our attorneys are very familiar with the process of petitioning for guardianship.